Komilla吠陀研究学院 – 2023年吠陀占星基础一阶课程视频107集+课件pdf 百度云下载!

Komilla吠陀研究学院 – 2023年吠陀占星基础一阶课程视频107集+课件pdf。吠陀占星属于印度文化,老外讲解,有翻译。

├──Komilla吠陀研究学院 – 2023年吠陀占星基础一阶课程
| ├──1阶相关资料
| | ├──1 Foundations of Vedic Astrology- Introduction.pdf 7.62M
| | ├──10 Foundations of V A- 宫位Bhavas 1 to 4.pdf 6.59M
| | ├──11 Foundations of V A- Bhavas 5 to 8 5-8宫.pdf 6.50M
| | ├──12 Foundations of V A- 9 to 12 Bhavas宫位.pdf 6.18M
| | ├──13 Foundations of V A- Bhavas qualities宫位的属性.pdf 5.77M
| | ├──14 Foundations of V A- Lagna.pdf 6.15M
| | ├──15-16 Foundations of V A- Lagna上升2.pdf 28.17M
| | ├──17 Foundation of VA 2022 – Graha Drishti 星曜照见.pdf 8.57M
| | ├──18 Foundations of V A- Nakshatras月宿.pdf 10.65M
| | ├──19 Foundations of V A- Nakshatras characteristics月宿特性.pdf 6.40M
| | ├──19 月宿的属性总结表格.pdf 238.59kb
| | ├──2 Foundations of V A- Navagraha九大星曜.pdf 17.23M
| | ├──20 Foundations of V A- Nakshatra characteristics 月宿属性2.pdf 11.14M
| | ├──21 Foundations of V A- 月宿Ashwini to Rohini.pdf 20.05M
| | ├──22 Foundations of V A- 月宿Mrigasira to U. Phalguni.pdf 30.70M
| | ├──23 Foundations of V A- 月宿之Hasta to Mula.pdf 25.53M
| | ├──24 Foundations of V A- 月宿之Uttara Ashadha to Revati.pdf 37.96M
| | ├──25 Foundations of V A- 遇格组合 1.pdf 7.50M
| | ├──26 Foundations of V A- yoga 2 – sun moon太阳月亮的组合 updated.pdf 8.03M
| | ├──27 Foundations of V A – 遇格组合 3 updated.pdf 7.91M
| | ├──28 Foundations of V A- prediction预测 updated.pdf 10.21M
| | ├──29 Foundations of V A- prediction 预测2 updated.pdf 8.02M
| | ├──3 Foundations of V A- Moon Mars月亮火星.pdf 10.80M
| | ├──30 Foundations of V A- Prediction预测3.pdf 8.33M
| | ├──31 Foundations of V A- Gochara 行运.pdf 10.57M
| | ├──32 Foundations of V A – Vargas 1 分盘1.pdf 9.23M
| | ├──33 Foundations of V A- Hora_ Drekkana_ SpatamshaD2 D3 D7.pdf 9.94M
| | ├──34 Foundations of V A- D9D10D60Navam_ Dashamsha_ Dwadashamsha etc.pdf 7.66M
| | ├──35 Foundations of V A- Upaye补救措施.pdf 7.44M
| | ├──36 Foundations of V A- putting it all together.pdf 7.02M
| | ├──4 Foundations of V A- Mercury Jup Venus水木金.pdf 14.13M
| | ├──5 Foundations of V A- Saturn Rahu Ketu 中文.pdf 29.67M
| | ├──6 Foundations of V A- Planetary Characteristics星耀特质.pdf 7.03M
| | ├──7 Foundations of V A- Rashi 中文.pdf 12.96M
| | ├──8 Foundations of V A- Rashi aries to Virgo白羊到处女.pdf 16.44M
| | ├──9 Foundations of V A- Rashi Libra to Pisces天秤到双鱼.pdf 15.14M
| | └──Nama nakshatra.pdf 27.50kb
| ├──001.36 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 105.95M
| ├──002.36 Foundation PST Putting it All Together.mp4 172.40M
| ├──003.第36课 解盘.mp4 154.93M
| ├──004.35 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 140.93M
| ├──005.35 Foundation PST Upaya Remedies.mp4 190.26M
| ├──006.第35课 补救措施.mp4 253.42M
| ├──007.34 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 170.08M
| ├──008.34 Foundation PST Navamsha Dashamsha Shastiam.mp4 167.43M
| ├──009.第34课 9分盘.mp4 128.69M
| ├──010.33 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 139.71M
| ├──011.33 Foundation PSTHora Drekkana Saptamsha.mp4 182.08M
| ├──012.第33课 D2D3D7.mp4 213.58M
| ├──013.32 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 140.89M
| ├──014.32 Foundation PST Introduction to Varga.mp4 247.43M
| ├──015.第32课分盘.mp4 197.28M
| ├──016.31 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 112.18M
| ├──017.31 Foundation PST Transits.mp4 200.33M
| ├──018.第31课 行运.mp4 156.67M
| ├──019.30 Foundation PST Prediction 3.mp4 228.94M
| ├──020.第30课 运势期预测3.mp4 169.07M
| ├──021.29 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 155.71M
| ├──022.29 Foundation PST Prediction 2.mp4 240.16M
| ├──023.第29课 运势期预测2.mp4 236.44M
| ├──024.28 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 96.18M
| ├──025.28 Foundation PST Prediction 1.mp4 179.71M
| ├──026.第28课 Dasha大运.mp4 243.47M
| ├──027.27 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 79.54M
| ├──028.27 Foundation PST Yoga 3.mp4 179.63M
| ├──029.第27课 王者遇格和落陷取消.mp4 175.91M
| ├──030.26 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 86.87M
| ├──031.26 Foundation PST Yoga 2.mp4 217.75M
| ├──032.第26课 太阳和月亮的遇格.mp4 212.31M
| ├──033.25 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 46.83M
| ├──034.25 Foundation PST Yoga 1.mp4 177.83M
| ├──035.第25课 遇格.mp4 174.15M
| ├──036.24 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 136.14M
| ├──037.24 Foundation PST Naakshatra 7 PA to rEvati.mp4 249.77M
| ├──038.第24课 Purvashadha-Revati.mp4 250.20M
| ├──039.23 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 88.94M
| ├──040.23 Foundation GMT Nakshatra 6 Hasta to Mula.mp4 216.94M
| ├──041.第23课 月宿 Hasta-Mula.mp4 263.14M
| ├──042.22 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 78.60M
| ├──043.22 Foundation PST Nakshatra 5 Ardra to UP.mp4 205.83M
| ├──044.第22课 月宿 Ardra-Uttara Phalguni.mp4 216.65M
| ├──045.21 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 97.71M
| ├──046.21 Foundation PST Nakshatra 4 Ashwini to Mrig.mp4 192.81M
| ├──047.21课 月宿Ashwini-Mrigasira.mp4 697.94M
| ├──048.20 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 93.52M
| ├──049.20 Foundation PST Nakshatra 3 Vargottama push.mp4 188.48M
| ├──050.第20课 月宿中的有力和无力之处.mp4 205.27M
| ├──051.19 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 143.43M
| ├──052.19 Foundation GMT Nakshatra 2 Characteristics.mp4 227.59M
| ├──053.十九课 月宿(2).mp4 229.91M
| ├──054.18 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 117.65M
| ├──055.18 Foundation GMT Nakshatra 1 Intro.mp4 156.88M
| ├──056.第十八课 月宿.mp4 186.05M
| ├──057.17 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 99.05M
| ├──058.17 Foundation PST Graha Drishti.mp4 215.61M
| ├──059.第十七课 星耀的照见.mp4 288.67M
| ├──060.16 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 120.14M
| ├──061.16 Foundation PST Lagna 3.mp4 203.19M
| ├──062.第十六课 上升3.mp4 298.77M
| ├──063.15 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 80.46M
| ├──064.15 Foundation PST Lagna 2.mp4 211.21M
| ├──065.第十五课 上升2 白羊-处女.mp4 283.43M
| ├──066.14 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 140.34M
| ├──067.14 Foundation PST Lagna 1.mp4 339.83M
| ├──068.第十四课 上升.mp4 215.11M
| ├──069.13 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 119.24M
| ├──070.13 Foundation PST Principles of House rulersh.mp4 192.75M
| ├──071.第十三课 宫位的原则.mp4 277.31M
| ├──072.12 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 107.43M
| ├──073.12 Foundation PST Bhava 9 to 12.mp4 166.08M
| ├──074.第十二课 宫位9-12宫.mp4 224.31M
| ├──075.11 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 88.69M
| ├──076.11 Foundation PST Bhava 5 to 8.mp4 400.72M
| ├──077.第十一课 宫位5-8宫.mp4 378.95M
| ├──078.10 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 90.16M
| ├──079.10 Foundation PST Bhava 1 to 4.mp4 194.45M
| ├──080.第十课 宫位1-4宫.mp4 274.50M
| ├──081.9 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4 119.55M
| ├──082.9 Foundation PST Libra to Pisces.mp4 217.89M
| ├──083.第九课 天秤-双鱼.mp4 418.41M
| ├──084.8 Foundation PST Aries to Viirgo.mp4 190.10M
| ├──085.第八课 白羊-处女座.mp4 295.20M
| ├──086.7 Q&A Foundation Chinese Students.mp4.mp4 95.89M
| ├──087.7 Foundation PST Intro to Rashi.mp4.mp4 283.04M
| ├──088.第7课 星座Rashi.mp4.mp4 345.19M
| ├──089.5 Q&A Foundation ChineseStudents.mp4.mp4 55.72M
| ├──090.6 Foundation PST Planetary Characteristics.mp.mp4 341.03M
| ├──091.第六课 星耀的属性.mp4 305.13M
| ├──092.4 Q&A Foundation ChineseStudents.mp4.mp4 48.67M
| ├──093.5 Foundation PST Saturn Rahu Ketu.mp4.mp4 326.60M
| ├──094.第五课 土星罗睺计都.mp4.mp4 415.29M
| ├──095.3 Q&A Foundation ChineseStudents.mp4.mp4 125.31M
| ├──096.4 Foundation PST Mercury Jupiter Venus.mp4.mp4 289.21M
| ├──097.第四课 水星木星金星.mp4.mp4 360.20M
| ├──098.2 Q&A Chinese Students.mp4.mp4 159.22M
| ├──099.3 Foundation PST Moon Mars.mp4.mp4 240.01M
| ├──100.第三课 月亮和火星.mp4 335.04M
| ├──101.1 Q&A Chinese Students.mp4.mp4 110.78M
| ├──102.2 Foundation PST – Navagraha.mp4.mp4 304.95M
| ├──103.第二课 九大星曜及太阳.mp4.mp4 266.80M
| ├──104.1 Foundation PST- Intro.mp4 308.11M
| ├──105.第一课 基础介绍 0307.mp4 228.51M
| ├──106.Why Study Vedic Astrology – Komilla11.20.mp4 313.79M
| └──107.为何学习吠陀占星 – Komilla Sutton大师公开课 2022.11.20.mp4 284.45M

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周易教程网 » Komilla吠陀研究学院 – 2023年吠陀占星基础一阶课程视频107集+课件pdf 百度云下载!



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